Project Visible data_financing culture brings up together topics on visual communication, design, technology, new media and culture politics. By using efficient tools of information design and visualization language it makes budget for culture structures more visible.
Visible Data 1/ 2010
Visible Data 2/2012
Visible Data 3/2012

Place: Academy of Fine Art and Design, Katowice, Poland / Mentors: Katarina Lukić Balážiková (SK), Martin Mistrík (SK) / Date: June 29, 2011 /  Organization: Open Design Studio, STGU – Association of Applied Graphic Designers / Participants: polish students of graphic design, culture activists
This Workshop was first in the series of workshops during the project in 2011. During the workshop with participants, the Open Design Studio and Polish partner STGU discussed cultural policies and how Polish designers could participate in the project. They presented their works related to information design and all participants discussed the possibilities of different kinds of visualizations for the project.