Project Visible data_financing culture brings up together topics on visual communication, design, technology, new media and culture politics. By using efficient tools of information design and visualization language it makes budget for culture structures more visible.
Visible Data 1/ 2010
Visible Data 2/2012
Visible Data 3/2012
Create your own data set and visualize it!
In the first column add the budget item, in the second column add the amount. Add a new budget row by clicking on the button +. After you finish adding data, click VISUALIZE. See how the data is generated with specific visualization design. At the end you can print your data set outcome. Play! Visualize! Print!
In the first column add the budget item, in the second column add the amount. Add a new budget row by clicking on the button +. After you finish adding data, click VISUALIZE. See how the data is generated with specific visualization design. At the end you can print your data set outcome. Play! Visualize! Print!