Project Visible data_financing culture brings up together topics on visual communication, design, technology, new media and culture politics. By using efficient tools of information design and visualization language it makes budget for culture structures more visible.
Visible Data 1/ 2010
Visible Data 2/2012
Visible Data 3/2012

Place: Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad, Serbia / Mentor: Katarina Lukić Balážiková (SK), / Date: September 19 – 21, 2011 / Organization: Institute for flexible cultures and technologies – Napon / Participants: students of graphic design and new media from Novi Sad and Belgrade
During these tree days, students, young designers and artists from Serbia were creating a series of analyses and graphic visualisations of the information on budget distribution for The Republic of Serbia, AP Vojvodina and the city of Novi Sad for the year 2011. They were creating new visualizations and info-graphics on these data sets with the aim being to reflect actual problems and issues of cultural policy in Serbia.